How to create a page for private track

Whether you are uploading a new track or sharing an existing track, you can now create a marketing page for each track.

Here's how.

Step 1

Start in your Soundwise dashboard. Click on the Tracks button of your soundcast. For this example, we will be using our soundcast The Audio Creator School.

Step 2

Once we're here, we can select what track we want to work with. In this scenario, we will be adding descriptive text to an existing track. For new uploads, the options are exactly the same. The only difference is that they happen at the time of upload.

Step 3

Your Track edit page will look something like this. As you can see, there are a few different settings you can choose from.

  • Description
  • Action step
  • Notes
  • Track cover art
  • Upload a custom cover for the track.

You don't have to change any of these settings in order to create a page for your private track.

For this scenario, we will be adding some descriptive text in the Description box.

Note: By default, episodes will inherit the cover photo of the soundcast.

When you are done with the changes, don't forget to click Publish Now.

Step 4

Once you're back in the Track dashboard, click on the View landing page option in the track you just updated.

A new window will pop up...

Copy the URL and share it with your audience!

That's it!

How did we do?

How to move your existing podcasts hosted elsewhere to Soundwise
