How to link to multiple purchase options of a soundcast from your own website

Pradeep Thapa Updated by Pradeep Thapa

If your soundcast pricing is set up for multiple payment options and you want to set multiple purchase options on your own website using "Checkout Form", you need to link multiple checkout forms on your website. For that you should have separate call-to-action button (e.g. the "pay now", "sign up", "order now" buttons) for each payment option.

To find the checkout form URL for each payment option, please see an example below using soundcast "Sell Anything to Anyone with Powerful Storytelling".

  1. Please go to the landing page of the soundcast and click "Get access". It should show you the different payment options available. Select the second option and hit checkout
  1. It will open the checkout form page of that payment option. You can copy the URL from the address bar and link it with your website.
  1. Please repeat steps 1 and 2 if you have more than two payment options setup for your soundcast.

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How to give someone free access to your paid soundcast
